Features of Ozone

Production and implementation

Consultation to all food and dairy industry regarding disinfection and reducing microbial load by eliminating losses using Azazn 
Provide the best care, washing, packing fruit and vegetables using Azazn 
Industrial and sanitary wastewater treatment - removal Bvv disinfection 
Cooling tower water treatment remove sediment and organic material 
Filtration and disinfection of poultry Weather Vdamdary of 
Desalination filtration systems designed Uf 
Water purification and industrial city with new technology 
Consultation to provide filtration plants 
Fish - water disinfection and removal of ammonia 
Swimming pool water filtration and disinfection instead Klrv ... 
Agriculture - irrigation - greenhouses 
Of new features - its 

Ozone Properties

Triatomic form of oxygen, ozone (O3) is the strongest oxidizer commercially available Vzdfvny provided that the effectiveness in any self Baqymandhay survived and did not immediately diatomic oxygen (O2) becomes, in place of ozone production and raw material it is air or oxygen. 

All solutions of ozone instead of chemicals, including chlorine, water, peroxide, Prsydyn, Halamydv ... Used that also take Brazbyn reduce consumption of all microorganisms and when the time is Vanrzhy Mykanysm ozone action is on the wall of the bacteria quickly about 3000 times faster than chlorine is in water. 

Ozone with higher grade oxide producer, activities faster, less time, better impact and more favorable results than other methods for sterilization will 
The ozone production systems as a central and permanent work and required no raw material is consumed and are economically efficient Mqrvnbh. Drsnay uses ozone purification and sterilization of food to climate Mnzvrafzaysh products quality and durability is. Regardless of ozone nature of bacteria, viruses and fungi from the environment even Aspvranha makes removal. The FDA in 2001 to use as disinfectant Azazn issued directly to the huge change this operation Azazn in using a gas or a solution to reduce Barmykrvby Drab to Vjvdavrd foods.

Mecanism Asrazn bacteria on the wall:

  • attack the ozone molecules to unsaturated fats Bandhaydvganh level bacterial cell.
  • go kill lipoprotein layers Yvlypvply Vnhayta create Tghyyrdrnfvzpzyry Vtjzyh cellular polysaccharides.
  • Concluding cellular proteins, enzyme degradation Havtbdyl S-S to SH ultimately cell death.
  • the destruction of genetic material cells.